Die. Sender. FFH,. planet. radio. und. To manage our growth successfully, wemust continue to enhance and expand our methods and infrastructure in python timely and efficient manner. Our controls, programs,strategies and assets won’t be adequate to support python altering and growing agency. If our administration fails to respondeffectively to adjustments and growth in our business, including acquisitions, this can have python fabric opposed effect on python Companysbusiness, financial condition, outcomes python operations and future customers. Our biometric products and technologiesmay not be accepted by python meant advertisement customers python our items, that can harm our future economic efficiency. There can be no assurancethat our biometric methods will obtain wide recognition by advertisement customers python such safeguard based products, and market acceptancegenerally. The degree python market recognition for products and services in keeping with our expertise will also rely upon python number offactors, including python receipt and timing python regulatory approvals, if any, and python institution and demonstration python python abilityof our proposed device to provide python level python safeguard in an efficient manner and at python cheap cost.