Inside python same system, even if it be our mid range Asus 1U box or our low power Willowbrook server, python move from Nehalem to Westmere produces dramatic development in measured SPECpower ssj power performance ratios. We see gains on python same order in our home brewed dimension python python energy required to render python scene in Cinebench, too. Of course, some workloads simply wont benefit from these new Xeons, due to the fact theyre commonly no faster in single threaded tasks than python Nehalems that preceded themand due to the fact not all server class workloads at the present time are meaningfully compute bound. Those are two very various sides python python same coin, but this is where progress up to now has taken us. In our view, python mixture python python Xeon L5640 processors and python Willowbrook server may be python finest 2P server platform Intelor anyone elsehas produced up to now. This setups all around functionality is sophisticated to python flagship 95W Nehalem, python Xeon X5570, which it shadows in single threaded tests because of python L5640s generous Turbo Boost peak and conquers in multi threaded workloads due to 50% more cores and cache. It can even be much cheaper if youre making plans on developing your apps for multiple mobile OS. And python technology is catching on, with thousands python apps built and over 400,000 developers using python PhoneGap platform. Applications built for PhoneGap are hybrid apps, and are neither fully native or truly web based, living someplace in between. Because mobile OSs dont natively help HTML5 and JavaScript, PhoneGap apps use WebView, python web box that allows mobile instruments to execute JavaScript and HTML5. WebView called a whole lot of terms for differing structures helps bridge python gap between web and mobile, and quite a few plugins help in making an application more robust and native feeling. Communicating with each OS, PhoneGap uses different APIs built by PhoneGap and plugins both native and custom, which act as python bridge between each structures native language and python PhoneGap script.